We are so blessed to welcome
Felicity Gail Johnson
to our family.
The timing of her birth was a true triumph and testment of God's love for me despite all of the anxiety I had had over the timing of her arrival during Mike's absense for a 2 week training. It was just the perfect time for Mike to make it, along with my mother and sisters. This delivery was the most difficult of mine so I was grateful for the continued encouragement they gave me throughout. What a feeling of complete joy as you hold your newborn baby in your arms for the first time! There is nothing else that can compete with that feeling - one of awe, one of humility, one of sweetness - in this world.
Felicity arrived to us at 6:52 pm on Friday March 12, 2010 weighing 7 lbs 9 oz and 18 inches short:-) I was amazed that she was born with hair. So fun. She is a sweet natured baby and is adored by all, in particular her doting 3 big brothers. Poor Eyan has been sick and has been so anxious to be able to hold her hand. The boys were able to briefly come see her in the hospital and they just lit up when they saw her, especially Tate. He immediately climbed up on my lap next to the baby and asked me if he could sing her a song. He sang her "Rock A Bye Baby"; it was so sweet.
A bit about her name. I have loved the name Felicity since I was 10 years old. Recently I came across my childhood journal and found an entry I had made saying that I would like to name my daughter Felicity. It was fun to read. The name has stayed with me all these years. I love its meaning: great happiness; bliss; joy. The name to me carries a sense of sophistication, femininity, and strength. Of course being me, I still needed to wait until after she was born to decide if it fit her. I was undecided her first night after birth, but when I awoke that first morning (yes, she graciously slept for about a 3 hour stretch during that night), I saw her sweetly sleeping in the morning light and became clear to me that Felicity was the perfect name for her. We also decided to give her the middle name Gail after my wonderful mother-in-law. Middle names for us are for carrying on family names. Mike admires and loves his mother so much and thinks of her as a champion mother who raised 7 children so amazingly. We were happy to pass on such a great name.
Because Mike was leaving again Monday morning and baby and I were doing well, I chose to spend less than 24 hours in the hospital after her birth. {Of course 1 day in the hospital was all we needed to fit in her first Photo Shoot:-).} I was grateful to be home despite some health concerns which soon developed after I arrived. Here it is Day 5 and because of more Heavenly Hands I am continuing to be on the mend and baby Felicity is healthy and happy. Mike will be home again in 2 days and I am so looking forward to being home together as a complete family.