Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 2007: Eyan's 1st Broken Bone

My poor little Eyan. He fell off my mom's counter stool while I was getting the toaster out of the cupboard. It was one of those slow motion moments followed by a horrible noise. I seriously thought he shattered his cheek bone the way he landed on this face and side. The poor little guy screamed for about an hour and a half and only wanted Grandpa {'Wo-wo' as he used to call him}. He is such a solid kid; if it had been Owen, we think he really might have shattered a bone. We went through a fiasco, including 2 doctors visits and 2 hospital visits - one in which I had all 3 boys by myself for close to 3 hours - to finally find out that Eyan had a fractured clavicle. Heavenly Father really blessed me though, the boys were soooo good. Eyan has been in lots of pain, but he loves his Motrin a little too much:-) We had to buy the yucky tasting kind just so we wouldn't ask for it all day. He is healing well despite the fact that a sling on a 2 year old is pretty useless.

1 comment:

  1. ohhh poor guy! Poor you! I can't believe how much boys get hurt! Enzo has had more falls- twice as much as Arianna and she is more than twice his age!
    Good luck w/ a quick recovery for him!



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