Saturday, August 13, 2011

Craft Explosion for the Sewing Group

Coming in October I have BIG PLANS for my Sewing Group.  Although I want to keep the group sewing driven, I thought a once a year craft class would be a blast, so CRAFT EXPLOSION was ignited.  My goal is to offer 2 different sessions with 3 classes each, so each person can complete 2 separate projects, including instructors.

Instructors!!!  That is what I need.  5 of them to be exact.  Instructors will be able to choose which project they would like to teach from my list of suggested projects.  I will be doing a run-through of the project with each of them before the class so there will be no fear involved and you will be guaranteed a completed project!  Each instructor will also only teach once so they will have the other session to choose an additional project to complete of your choosing.

Check out my sewing blog Learn 2 Love 2 Sew for the complete details on my goals, class projects, and needs for your feedback!

Here are a few of the proposed projects:

Oh I really want someone to choose this one.  You can transform any little trinket to a chic new piece of decor.

Head on over to my sewing blog Learn 2 Love 2 Sew for the complete list and to leave me some valuable feedback!!!  Hope to see your name volunteering to be an instructor so we'll have some classes to offer:)


  1. So far we have 4 classes to offer!! Head on over to the blog for details in the comments.

    Just need 2 more instructors!! Takers anyone?




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