welcome to the jungle
hear me roar
i was delighted to be able to throw a baby shower for my friend ashley
in my opinion the best kind of baby shower
the one in which you get to meet the little mister or miss
ashley lives in hawaii and had her darling arlen nearly two months ago
and as circumstances lined up, she was headed to the mainland for two family reunions
so we got to snag them up and shower them with love
i carried her love for the jungle theme for her nursery into the decor for the shower
i had so much fun collecting things from around my house, out of boxes, and the garage
sprinkle in a few exotic looking plants and some animal crackers
and bam...we're on a safari
one in which you get to take those cute red boxes of animal crackers with that string handle with you
my mom would buy those at the grocery store as a treat
throughout the shower we played a little 'i spy' game
found over at bumpsmitten
grab your phone camera and start your hunt
friends laughing
delicious sweets
a beautiful bump
or in this case a beautiful baby
it was surreal watching ashley open her gifts knowing i probably will never be in that place again
my newborn wrapped in plush hooded towels
fitting in little clothes that snap at the bottom
bibs adorning their little necks
one of ashley's friends sweetly asked me if she could borrow a baby spoon
it sort of took my breath away that i had to answer that i didn't have one
is this white plastic one ok, i answered
feeling sad that i didn't have one of those plastic coated metal spoons just perfect size to feed a little gummy mouth
if you follow me on instagram
you have seen lately that there are no shortage of babies in my extended family
so i will still be able to soak up their sweetness and smell their skin

minutes before the shower i realized that i never selected a second game to play
seeing the leftover pile of tags from my 'keys to marriage' simple bridal shower game i created recently for my sister's bridal shower
it inspired me to create a baby shower activity that follows the same premise
of eliciting comments from those who love you most and therefore loves your child most as well
your friends and family
i created the dream maker
an opportunity for your loved ones to share their hopes and dreams for you child
it turned out so sweet
with lots of positive feedback from ashley and her guests
i will be sure to do a tutorial to share this idea with you very soon
cradle them for me
kiss their forehead
and hum them a lullaby
what do you love most about having a newborn baby? how did you know if / when your family was complete?