Wednesday, July 10, 2013

one word wednesday: love


i was privileged to attend my cousin Natasha's wedding at the top of the world
elevation 9000' at snow basin ski resort
how often do you get to take a gondola to a wedding

this place held special significance to Natasha and her gentleman of a groom Noah
these snowbirds were engaged right on the slopes
the mountain air was crisp and the view so breathtaking
but paled in comparison to the classic beauty of my cousin
my favorite part of her exquisite wedding ensemble was the headpiece of our late grandmother toni
such a unique and gorgeous piece

the lodge was airy and grand
decorated with personal touches such as these custom drawn place cards
i roamed around the grounds
a twinge of longing to be back with my own groom
of course i had to stick my toes in the snow
something mike would definitely have passed on

the reception was unlike anything i had experienced before
a scene straight out of a movie
with the traditional jewish horah dance
mazel tov
to natasha and noah as they were hoisted high above our heads 
we circled around, clapped, and danced
it was an absolute delight
i definitely felt like i wanted a redo on my reception and be lifted up in a chair and circled about by my friends and family
maybe for our 20th
natasha has been such an important part of my life growing up
it warmed my heart to see her so happy
and to see her wearing something of our grandma's whom we both cherish so much
to be a part of a family is to know love

what have been important sources of love in your life?
be sure to capture love as you see it and share it with us by leaving a link in the comments below or tagging me @briana6 and #onewordwednesday on instagram

thank you to all of you participating
reader's favorites will be featured next week so be sure and check back

One Word Wednesday is a simple photo challenge intended to tie friends together and inspire anyone and everyone to document the everyday beauty in the world around them. Please join us every Wednesday, sharing a photo that celebrates a scene from your life on your blog and/or instagram. Each word will be announced one week in advance to give you time to think on and capture an image that celebrates that particular word. Be sure to leave a link or add hashtag #onewordwednesday and @briana6 to your photos, so that we can all share in the joy! Next week's word: BABY!


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