hello again from the Blue Christmas Blog Hop
welcome to all my new readers from around the blogosphere
to see week#1 ornament collection from our lovely bloggers, visit here
this week is wreaths and wall decor
i was inspired by my favorite globe ornament to find a way to highlight it in a non-traditional display
an so the idea of the radiator grate ornament holder began
combined with a fabulous lesson on how to use the welding option on my silhouette cameo
high quality glitter paper
a few of your favorite ornaments
jewelry chain
jump rings
jewelry pliers
ornament hangers
tiny hole punch
adhesive dots
radiator grate {i found mine at home depot}
metal sheers
painted frame
metal picture back holders {i found mine in the framing section of michael's}
using your metal sheers, cut your radiator grate to fit perfectly inside your frame
it feels pretty powerful slicing through metal like its nobody's business

secure your radiator inside of your frame using metal picture back holders
i placed mine about every 4 inches or so using a putty knife

i followed this amazing tutorial on welding letters on your Silhouette by findingnana
my mind was blown at how many uses i could have now for welding letters
you will be floored at how easy it is
i chose to but the reason back into Christmas and typed the words
rejoice He is King
i had to use a little spray adhesive on the back of the glitter paper to get it to secure to the Silhouette cutting mat
i put my blade on the highest setting and it did beautifully
be sure and do a test cut first
measure how long you want your wording to hang on your radiator grate and then cut accordingly with your metal sheers
using your tiny hole punch place two holes on opposite sides of your wording
with your jewelry pliers open your jump rings and place inside the hole
attach one end of the chain inside the ring and close
repeat for the other end
place an ornament hanger at the center of the chain
hang your wording in the center of your framed radiator grate
i applied a few adhesive dots behind the wording to provide extra stability
hang your ornaments
and drape your Christmas lights over the top corners
plug in your lights for that added holiday cheer
simple and fun
early Merry Christmas everyone
don't forget to hop on over and see these other fabulous ladies'
blue christmas wreaths and wall decor
Krista @ The Happy Housie
Sarah @ Life on Virginia Street
Amy @ The Blissful Bee
Amber @ Averie Lane
Rachel @ Maison de Pax
Amy @ Commona My House